Creature of the night … Kim Jong-il likes to keep watch.
Photo: Reuters
Sleepless in Pyongyang: no kip Kim
Staying up all night is my habit
July 10, 2007
SEOUL: The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, likes to burn the midnight oil and wakes cadres in the pre-dawn hours to give them advice on their work, the country's media reported at the weekend.
North Korea's official propaganda machine is full of extraordinary tales extolling a person it treats with godlike reverence, ranging from double rainbows appearing on his birthday to his piloting jet fighters even though it is thought he never travels by air.
"Staying up all night is my habit," Mr Kim was quoted as saying in the official newspaper Rodong Sinmun.
He reportedly surprised one worker with a 4am call to give him instructions on how to do his job.
"I again wake up a sleeping comrade," Mr Kim said. The worker, worried about Mr Kim's health, asks him to take a break, the report said. But Mr Kim told the worker the late hours do not bother him. "At this time, my work is in full swing," he said.
During his rule, North Korea has undergone a famine that killed at least a million people, and seen its already anaemic economy tumble due to mismanaged central control.
There has been speculation that Mr Kim, 65, may be recovering from an illness after photographs taken this month show he has lost weight and his hair has thinned.
The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the US is exploring how to implement a peace accord to officially end the 1950-53 Korean War, and strategists hope to start discussions with North Korea as soon as year's end.
North Korea is expected to shut down its Yongbyon nuclear reactor in coming days in return for an aid shipment of 50,000 tonnes of fuel oil, a sign the Government is moving ahead with its disarmament pledge.
If disarmament proceeds, the Bush Administration hopes to begin discussing a formal peace treaty with Pyongyang by the end of the year, the Journal said, citing Christopher Hill, the assistant secretary of state leading Washington's talks with Pyongyang.
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